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    Ann Arbor 341 Meetings are held at the Federal Building in downtown Ann Arbor. The address is 200 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor. The building is on the south side of E. Liberty, between S 4th St. and S 5th St. Park on the street or there is a ramp on S 5th St., right across the street. Enter through the front doors, go through security, then head up to the 2nd floor. Wait for me in the meeting room. Remember - bring your driver's license and Social Security Card, and leave your electronic devices in the car. Bay City 341 Meetings are held at 101 First St., Room 103, Bay City. The building has a blue roof, and is situated along the river. There is parking right out front. Wait for me in the meeting room. Remember - bring your driver's license and Social Security Card. You can bring electronic devices into this facility - there is no security. Detroit 341 Meetings are held at 211 W. Fort Street, Detroit. The building is next to (and may be a part of) the Comerica Building. Park on the street or there is a ramp right across the street. Enter through the front doors, then head up to the 3rd floor (Suite 315). Wait for me in the waiting room. Remember - bring your driver's license and Social Security Card. Last time I was there, there was no security, so bringing electronic devices in may be okay. If you don't want to get sent back out, play it safe and leave your electronic devices in the car. Flint 341 Meetings for Chapter 7 cases are held at the Federal courthouse in downtown Flint. The address is 600 Church St., Flint. The building is between W 2nd and W 3rd, across from a parking ramp. Park on the street or in the ramp across the street, and enter through the front doors. Go through security, then head down to the basement. Follow signs to the meeting room, then wait for me at one of the tables. Remember - bring your driver's license and Social Security Card, and leave your electronic devices in the car. Flint 341 Meetings for Chapter 13 cases are held at the Bankruptcy courthouse in downtown Flint, AND NOT AT THE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE. The address is 226 W. Second St, Flint. Look for a single-story tan brick building on the corner of Church Street, kiddie corner from the Federal Courthouse. Park on the street or in the ramp across the street, and enter through the front doors. Go through security, then head straight down the hall to the meeting room. Wait for me in the hallway. Remember - bring your driver's license and Social Security Card, and leave your electronic devices in the car. Grand Rapids 341 Meetings are held at the Ledyard Building in downtown Grand Rapids. The address is 125 Ottawa NW, Grand Rapids. Park on the street or in one of the many nearby parking lots. Come in any door, then take an elevator to Suite 202R. Wait for me in the waiting room. Remember - bring your driver's license and Social Security Card. Last time I was there, there was no security, so bringing electronic devices in may be okay. If you don't want to get sent back out, play it safe and leave your electronic devices in the car. Kalamazoo 341 Meetings are held at the Federal Building in downtown Kalamazoo. The address is 410 W. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo. The building is on the north side of the street between S Westnedge Ave and Park Street. I usually park on the street, at the meters out front. Enter through the front doors, go through security, and wait for me in the waiting room. Remember - bring your driver's license and Social Security Card, and leave your electronic devices in the car. Lansing 341 Meetings are held at the Federal Building in downtown Lansing. The address is 315 W. Allegan, Lansing. The building is on the SW corner of Townsend and Allegan, across from the left side of the Capitol building. Park on the street or in the ramp on Townsend, then enter through the door on Townsend that is closest to Allegan and the Capitol. Go through security, and wait for me in the area beyond, or have a seat in the courtroom. Remember - bring your driver's license and Social Security Card, and leave your electronic devices in the car.
    HOW DO I PAY MY FILING FEE TO THE BANKRUPTCY COURT? Lansing, Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids cases: The Western District of Michigan accepts cashier's checks or money orders (no personal checks) by mail, or cash at the counter in Grand Rapids (see address for mailing). If paying by cashier's check or money order, make the instrument payable to the United States Bankruptcy Court, and mail it to 1 Division Ave. NW, Room 200, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. Don't forget to put your case number on the cashier's check or money order. If you have approval to make installment payments, remember that your first installment of $84.50 is due approximately 30 days after you file, then another $84.50 is due every 30 days until the full $338 is paid. Flint, Ann Arbor, Bay City and Detroit cases: The Eastern District of Michigan accepts cashier's checks or money orders (no personal checks) by mail, debit/credit card payments from your attorney or cash at the counter in Flint (see address for mailing). If paying by cashier's check or money order, make the instrument payable to the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, and mail it to either 226 W. Second Street, Flint, Michigan 48502, or 211 W. Fort Street, Detroit, Michigan 48226. Don't forget to put your case number on the cashier's check or money order, if using that method of payment. If you have approval to make installment payments, remember that your first installment of $84.50 is due approximately 30 days after you file, then another $84.50 is due every 30 days until the full $338 is paid.
    WHERE DO I GET COPIES OF MY … ... recorded deed? Most counties make recorded documents available online these days. If you're tech-savvy, Google "Register of Deeds for XX County." Of course, replace XX with the name of your county. Look for a link to online records, then search for your name. Usually, your deed will pop right up, and you can download a copy for a couple bucks. Otherwise, go to the Register of Deeds office in your county, and have the clerks help you find a copy. There is a copying charge at all Register of Deeds offices, too, so you won't save much by making the trip. Remember, the Trustee is looking for the copy of your deed that has the Register's stamp on it. ... recorded mortgage(s)? If you don't have a copy in the big plastic folder you likely got at closing, see the instructions, above, for obtaining a copy of your recorded mortgage(s). Here is a cost-saving tip, though: If you have an unrecorded copy of your mortgage, buy only the first page and the signature page of the recorded version. Replace the pages of the unrecorded mortgage with the pages you purchased. Since mortgages are usually 15-20 pages long, this will save you a lot of money on copies, and most Trustee's have no problem with you doing that. ... car title(s)? If you don't have a copy in your files, you might be able to purchase a replacement title on the Secretary of State's website for a relatively small fee. If that doesn't work, or you just feel the need to punish yourself for not keeping track of it, you can head down to the nearest SOS branch and obtain a copy at the counter. All that being said, if your lender is one that has insisted on "holding" your title until you've paid them in full, going to the SOS is not going to work. If you're sure that's the case, let me know, and I'll try to shake a copy out of your lender. ... tax returns(s)? If you don't have a copies in your files, and you used a tax preparation service, contact that service. Many of the services around my office, for example, X-Tax, have online portals where you can download copies of any return they've prepared for you. If you didn't use a service, or you can't obtain copies from the service you used, you can obtain tax transcripts from the IRS. Remember, though, that the Trustees require copies of federal, state and local tax returns. That means, if you need to go this way, you'll have to order transcripts from all of the agencies. The good news is, they're free and available online. Go here to order a federal tax transcript, and here to order a Michigan tax transcript.


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